Dragoborne Wiki
Color Yellow Yellow
Card Type Spell: Light
Cost -
Card Abilities
Choose a creature, and it gets +2/+2 for this turn.
Yellow 1-3Choose up to two creatures instead.
Yellow 4-6 Then, you may draw a card.
Demo Deck - (DB-DD/04 - N/A)
  • Flavor: Those who have excelled in their service to the Holy Lord are honored, and their names are remembered forever.
  • Illust: Elegan

Trial Deck Vol. 1: Shadow Legion - (DB-TD01/004 - C)

  • Flavor: Those who have excelled in their service to the Holy Lord are honored, and their names are remembered forever.
  • Illust: Elegan

Booster Pack Vol. 1: Rally To War - (DB-BT01/024 - C)

  • Flavor: Those who have excelled in their service to the Holy Lord are honored, and their names are remembered forever.
  • Illust: Elegan
