Dragoborne Wiki
Color Blue Blue
Card Type Spell: Water
Cost -
Card Abilities
Ambush [②] (You may pay ② to play this card from your hand face-down at one of your forts.)
AUTO When this fort is attacked, if this card is an ambush, you may Stand all of the creatures at this fort, and draw a card. (Put this card into your discard pile afterwards.)
Trial Deck Vol. 2: Mystical Hunters - (DB-TD02/020 - C)
  • Flavor: Predict your enemies movements, and counter-attack when they least expect it.
  • Illust: Yasushi Yamaguchi

Booster Pack Vol. 1: Rally To War - (DB-BT01/072 - C)

  • Flavor: Predict your enemies movements, and counter-attack when they least expect it.
  • Illust: Yasushi Yamaguchi
