Dragoborne Wiki
Color Green Green
Card Type Spell: Earth
Cost -
Card Abilities
Ambush [②] (You may pay ② to play this card from your hand face-down at one of your forts.)
AUTO When a creature at this fort is destroyed during your opponent's turn, if this card is an ambush, you may summon that creature. (Put this card into your discard pile afterwards.)
Trial Deck Vol. 3: Alpha Dominance - (DB-TD03/005 - U)
  • Flavor: All life comes from the earth.
  • Illust: Prabath Wijayantha

Booster Pack Vol. 1: Rally To War - (DB-BT01/045 - U)

  • Flavor: All life comes from the earth.
  • Illust: Prabath Wijayantha
