Dragoborne Wiki
Color Blue Blue
Card Type Spell: Water
Cost 2
Card Abilities
For each of your forts with one or less barriers, draw a card.
Green 1-3 Then, put the top card of your deck into your resource zone.
Fort Burst Play this card without paying the cost.
Trial Deck Vol. 3: Alpha Dominance - (DB-TD03/010 - U)
  • Flavor: A song of healing passed down through the ages.
  • Illust: Morechand

Booster Pack Vol. 1: Rally To War - (DB-BT01/067 - U)

  • Flavor: A song of healing passed down through the ages.
  • Illust: Morechand



Incorrect Version Correct Version (Aug 10, 2017)
DragocrossGreen 1-3 Then, put the top card of your deck into your resource zone. Green 1-3 Then, put the top card of your deck into your resource zone.