Dragoborne Wiki
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Demo Deck - (DB-DD/05 - N/A)
  • Flavor: The sight of their nation's sigil is enough to rally the soldiers of Logres.
  • Illust: Emmelka

Trial Deck Vol. 1: Shadow Legion - (DB-TD01/005 - N/A)

  • Flavor: The sight of their nation's sigil is enough to rally the soldiers of Logres.
  • Illust: Emmelka

Trial Deck Vol. 2: Mystical Hunters - (DB-TD02/006 - N/A)

  • Flavor: The sight of their nation's sigil is enough to rally the soldiers of Logres.
  • Illust: Emmelka

Promos - (DB-PR/0012 - N/A)

  • Illust: Emmelka

Trial Deck Vol. 5: Nature's Wrath - (TD05-007 - N/A)

  • Flavor: The sight of their nation's sigil is enough to rally the soldiers of Logres.
  • Illust: Emmelka
